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For Law Schools outside the US, please contact individual college/university.

Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law
Located in Philadelphia. Degrees offered: JD, joint JD/MBA, LLM.

Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Located in San Diego. TJSL is provisionally approved by the ABA.

Tulane Law School

University of California Hastings College of the Law
Located in San Francisco.

University of California Los Angeles School of Law
Degrees offered: JD, joint JD/MBA, JD/MA, JD/MPH, JD/MPP, JD/MSW.

University of Chicago The Law School
Offers 4 graduate degrees: LLM, MCompL, JSD, and DCompL.

University of Connecticut School of Law

University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law
Degrees offered: JD, joint degrees (JD with another graduate degree), and LLM.

University of Georgia School of Law
Degrees offered: JD, joint JD with MBA/MHP/MPA/MEd, LLM.

University of Hawai'i at Manoa School of Law

University of Houston Law Center

University of La Verne College of Law

University of Montana School of Law

University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law
Located in Sacramento, CA. Degrees offered: Certificate in Gov't Affairs, LLM inTransnational Business Practice, JD, JD/MBA, JD/MPPA.

University of San Diego School of Law

University of South Carolina School of Law

University of Utah College of Law
Also offers LLM in Environmental and Resource Law.

University of Virginia School of Law
Degree programs offered: JD, LLM, SJD, combined degree programs (JD with MA/MBA/MP/MS).

University of Washington School of Law
Degree programs offered: JD, LLM, combined degree programs.


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